The Knife of Destiny

The Tale of the Hunt with a Single Bullet

The knife, embodies the story of a single bullet that intertwines the destinies of two roe deer

Created on commission for a client who accomplished the rare feat of hunting two roe deer with one shot, this sculpture becomes more than just a tool; it is a symbol of luck, precision, and the sacred bond between man and nature.


The blade, made of Cu Mai steel by Stan Danutz—an alchemical creation with copper penetrating deeply into the metal’s spirit, much like the bullet that hit its mark—tells the story of this unique moment.

The handle, crafted from elk antler, carries an inlay of a copper rod, symbolizing the inexorable fate that forever united the two roe deer. The copper guard protects this story, while the sheath, hand-engraved and painted on leather, hides the secret of eternity.

The knife finds its rest on a walnut wood stand, adorned with roe deer antlers, a reminder of the pact between man and nature, where sacrifice is part of the endless cycle of life. This personalized interpretation becomes an artifact that transcends time, capturing the event in metal, antler, and wood, like a mythological epic of the hunt.

Package Contents:

Certificate of authenticity, wooden box, protective packaging.

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